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About Us

We are Octane SC. Octane SC is a club for soccer players that want to learn and compete and improve their skills.
Mission: Octane SC is committed to the promotion and development of our community through participation in soccer. To provide a positive, supportive and safe environment where soccer players from diverse backgrounds are guided and inspired to reach their full potential both on and off the field. 
Vision: The Octane SC continually strives to be an outstanding competitive soccer organization that provides:• Our players with the best soccer coaching available, the best soccer experience available and the highest level of sporting satisfaction.• Our parents with a commitment to develop their sons and daughters into the best people they can be, both on and off the field. This is accomplished through well-organized games, practices and community events and emphasis on positive character traits such as good sportsmanship, fair play, teamwork, effort, persistence, positive attitude, dealing with pressure, honoring the game and respect for coaches, opponents and officials.• Our coaches with continuing technical and tactical education to become Positive Coaches with the goal to develop players both athletically and socially. 


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